Online Course Substance & Permanent establishment


This course focuses on the topics of substance and permanent establishments, and in particular the differences in application and interpretation in these inherently international topics. Required substance in terms of tax residence will be addressed from different perspectives such as the source state and shareholders. Hereafter, the definition and scope of a permanent establishment will be more closely examined, including management permanent establishments and commissionaire structures.

This course will be conducted in English.



  • Tax residence
  • Substance in the Netherlands
  • Substance and the source state perspective
  • Substance by foreign shareholder
  • Substance and rulings

Permanent establishment

  • Definition
  • Management permanent establishment risks
  • Attributing shares to permanent establishments
  • Commissionaire structures


Wednesday November 7, 2024

10:00 - 12:00 

Online course


Ja, ik wil me inschrijven voor Online Course Substance & Permanent establishment te Online cursus. De factuur à €195 ontvang ik kort voor de startdatum van de cursus.


Datum, tijd en locatie
Donderdag 7 november 2024
10:00 - 12:00
Online cursus

Prijs: €195

Betaling: je ontvangt kort voor de startdatum de factuur.

  • pe hqHQ: 2 PE-punten


Heb je vragen over deze opleiding? Ik beantwoord ze graag voor je. Ik denk ook graag mee over een maatwerkcursus of volledig programma voor jouw kantoor.

Sdu Licent Academy
Sdu Licent Academy

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Sdu Licent Academy

Sdu Licent Academy | Maanweg 174 ยป 2516 AB Den Haag |  (070) 3780750 |

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