Egmond, drs. van Jeroen

For more than twenty years, Jeroen van Egmond has been contributing to the quality and development of (upcoming) professionals. Since completing his Master's in Ethics of Care and Policy (University of Humanistic Studies), he has worked with professionals from academia, government, and the financial sector - through clients such as REBS, TNO, Nyenrode Business University, and the Dutch Compliance Institute - on moral learning processes, integrity, and professional ethics.Jeroen writes about (practical) ethics in his column in the professional journal for physiotherapists, FysioPraxis.

Recently, Jeroen started his PhD- trajectory, which is aimed at improving understanding of the interplay between complexity, professional reasoning, professionalism and engagement. In his highly interactive lectures, difficult situations will be approached with practical theory and a positive attitude, so that participants not only go home inspired, but also with increased awareness and tools to foster accountability. In turn, this will foster trust in their quality for themselves, their clients, and external parties.


Sdu Licent Academy

Sdu Licent Academy | Maanweg 174 ยป 2516 AB Den Haag |  (070) 3780750 |

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